Monday, July 26, 2010

Benefits of Interior Plants

Benefits of Interior Plants

Plants are an amazing addition to any home or office!

*Interior plants naturally purify the air that we breathe.
*Plants reduce the noise level in your house by providing decorative insulation.
*They even reduce stress and anxiety by increasing positive feelings. This is because they are pleasant to look at and provide any house with a warm "homie" feeling.
*Beyond making your home more warm and inviting, plants also make any office look more professional and any living space more clean and well put together.
*Plants also provide your home with the optimum amount of humidity
which is better for your health and naturally cools your home.
*They purify the air by absorbing the carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen; continuously refreshing it.
****Ultimately households and offices with plants****
have much more pleasant environments for
people to work and live.
5 Best Plants To Purify the Air
*Dracaena "Janet Craig"
*Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily)
*Golden Pothos
*Boston Fern
**Come in and see us at Arapahoe Floral!**
**We carry all of these plants and we can help you find the best one to fit you**

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