All right my fellow bloggers. Today is a very special day in our little shop. It’s Molly’s birthday! Molly is one of our beautiful and ridiculously [almost obnoxiously J] talented floral designers at Arapahoe Floral. From the Chicago area, Molly has been working with flowers for about 10 years. [That, surprisingly, does not make her old. I promise.] She is also one of the nicest people I know. So, in honor of my dear friend and our beloved employee we are going to blog about her favorite flower… hydrangea! And to be more specific, antique hydrangea, which is our featured picture today.
Hydrangeas are beautiful and delicate pom-pom shaped flowers that come in a plethora of color. Whites, blues, purples, pinks, and even greens! They look beautiful on their own in a simple clear vase or mixed into a lovely high-end arrangement. However, hydrangeas are most prominent and very popular [rightfully so] in wedding bouquets. They hold up well, have a beautiful round shape, match exquisitely with a palate of colors, and they subtly shout class and elegance.
Hydrangeas are so darn pretty you probably don’t ever want to part with them. Well everyone, it’s your lucky day! I am including a possible solution for your emotional attachment. Hydrangea flowers are great candidates for drying. Based off of my research there are a few important guidelines. If you are picking your own blooms, make sure to do so towards the end of their season, August-October. Simply let the stem dry; hydrangeas do not need to be hung upside down. Finally, if you don’t want to keep it au ‘natural you can use silica gel which produces breathtaking colors.
Help us celebrate Miss Molly’s Birthday! Give us a call and ask about her favorite flower. We would love to get some fresh hydrangea in for you, and maybe for us too J
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