Now, if you are anything like me, you might be thinking, "Hey, aren't flowers a totally cliche gift for Mother's Day?". Let me assure you, dearest friends, after careful research and contemplation, they most certainly are NOT. This year I asked around in order to get some ideas for my momma, and almost every mom I spoke with answered with a no-fail gift... a beautiful bouquet! This truly did surprise me until they explained that having flowers around the house is a luxury they don't often receive. It's rare for a person to buy themselves flowers, and almost just as rare for a hubby to bring them home :) So when one of their kids takes a minute out of their day to send them a nice floral arrangement, it not only brightens up their house, it brightens up their week.
The ultimate "push your mother's day gift over the edge and super impress her" touch, you ask? Make sure to ask the florist to include her favorite flower or color. It really shows and makes a difference when you add those personal touches.
Later this week I'll have a few more gift ideas and tips if you still aren't keen on a nice spring bouquet, but I'm tellin' y'all, it's a classic.
Oh yeah, that's me and my momma in the picture [I've heard we look alike] and her favorite flower [an iris]. Had to do a shout out to the lady I owe it all too :)
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