Sunday, May 15, 2011
Bitersweet :)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Everyone Love A Nice Lei ;)

Orchid lei have a lot of history, and since summer is coming and graduations are near, I thought it would be a splendid idea to share some fun facts with y'all. [ie. "lei" is used for both the plural and singular form of the noun :)]
During the "Boat Days" of the early 1900s, lei vendors lined the pier at Aloha Tower to welcome malihini (visitors) to the islands and kama'aina (locals) back home. It is said that departing visitors would throw their lei into the sea as the ship passed Diamond Head, in the hopes that, like the lei, they too would return to the islands again someday.
Today, visitors can easily bring back the nostalgia of old Hawaii by ordering a traditional flower lei greeting for their arrival at the airport. Greeters welcome visitors with a warm “aloha” and adorn them with beautiful fresh leis. It's a wonderful way to begin a Hawaiian vacation.
You can wear a lei at anytime. Heck, you can even buy one for yourself, but it's good to know that there are a few rules when it comes to lei etiquette. The proper way to wear it is gently on the shoulders so it hangs down both the front and back. Also, it is a sign of affection if someone gives you a lei. Therefore, it is pretty rude to refuse it [I recommend you never do]. Once you do have your lei on, it is rude to remove it in front of the person that gave it to you; so if you need to take it off, make sure they don't see!
Graduations are a very popular time to adorn someone with a lei. In Hawaiian tradition, graduates are likely to be given so many lei that they can sometimes come up to the persons eyes!
There are lots of types of leis, but orchid leis tend to be the most popular here in the Continental United States. In case you do want a lei, but you aren't sure where to get one in Colorado, I have good news for you! I, yes your trusty blogger, am actually pretty darned good at making a lei :) So if you know someone who is graduating but don't want to bog them down with a loose bouquet of flowers or if you want to show your affection in a creative manner, give Arapahoe Floral a call and order your lei. The sooner, the better. These suckers can take sometime :)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Thinkin' Outside of the Box!

Monday, May 2, 2011
Mother's Day Is Sunday!

Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Royal Wedding Bouquet!

Alright, readers, we finally have the inspiration behind weddings for the next ten years. The Royal Wedding has happened, and it's time for us to talk about the flowers!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
It's Administrative Professionals Week!

Monday, April 25, 2011
Love My Momma :)

I'm unfortunately far away from my family, and around the holidays it gets extra tough. Fortunately, my mom knows it's hard on me and somehow always manages to include me in celebrations despite the distance.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Super Saver Tips Continued!
Friday, April 22, 2011
We Love Wedding Season!

To continue on our wedding-themed topic, today I am going to talk about the 2011 wedding season's color choice of the year... Honeysuckle!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Wedding Season Starts with a Royal Theme

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Terrariums Make a Comeback!

For those of you unfamiliar with the crafty world of terrariums, I am here to inform you today. Terrariums are enclosed areas where ecosystems are recreated on a smaller scale. They can simulate a dry habitat, like a desert or savannah, a temperate woodland habitat, or even a jungle-like one.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Are You Feeling Lucky?

I'm not sure I want to admit this to you all, but I used to be so bad with plants that I couldn't keep the notoriously simple bamboo plant alive. Oh, the good ol' college days! Don't worry though, my green thumb has grown.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
In Your Dreams!

I don't know about you, but I have some crazy dreams. [Don't worry, I won't make you read the specifics.] When it comes down to it, no one really knows the exact reason or meanings behind dreams, but recently Arapahoe Floral discovered some very interesting influences on them.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Purple Sticks of the Gods. Wait. What?

Sticking to the wildflower theme of Wednesday's blog post, I have decided to indulge you all in one of my personal all-time favorite flowers... Liatris!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Colorado Pride :)

Monday, April 4, 2011
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is soon to be here, and that doesn't just mean it's almost time to drink soda and eat candy again, folks. But it does mean that it's time to stock up on your palms!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Whole New World

This past weekend, in New York City, Macy’s 37th Annual Flower Show began. The even consists of the store being entirely adorned with a vast variety of floras and living plants. This year’s theme is “Tower of Flowers”, giving the designers the opportunity to play with height. There are eleven gardens to explore, each with a subtheme such as “the Orchid Garden”. The shop creates a whimsical environment during this show, enveloping the guests in its scents and colors. And that’s not where the fun stops, folks! “Petacular Fair” starts right after; you get to dress your pups up with the most fashionable flower around!
If you can’t make it out to NYC to take part in this spectacular display, we have an alternative for you! We might not have an event quite as extravagant as this one going on, but come on into our shop and you’ll really feel the difference our flowers make. Step into the cooler and out of your everyday life!
Please click here to read the full article. It really is amazing!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Easter is Coming!

Easter is approaching and we at Arapahoe Floral are getting ready! You might not automatically associate flower shops with Easter, but one of the most prominent Easter symbols is the Easter lily [pictured].
Easter lilies represent purity, virtue, innocence, grace, hope, and life. They are also directly related to Easter; tradition has it that these white lilies grew where Christ’s tears and sweat fell in the Garden of Gethsemane after His agony. At churches during the Easter season lilies are used to decorate altars and crosses, reminding everyone, through their symbolism, of hope, virtue, and innocence.
Easter lilies are fairly easy to take care of. They like indirect light and moderately cool temperatures. Make sure they avoid direct light, drafts, and excessive heat. Keep their soil moist, but not over watered. When you do water them, make sure the water drains out; don’t leave them in foil or in a pot that retains all the water!
We carry Easter lilies in a few different forms. We have them in stems, so you can buy them individually or have us put them in an arrangement for you. However, around Easter we carry them in plant form. This means you can give them as a gift, keep them in your home, and replant them outside so they can bloom again in the future.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Decorate Your Cake

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Will You Go To Prom With Us??

Prom season is quickly approaching and everyone here at Arapahoe Floral is getting excited! Though none of us plan on getting asked to go (sad, I know), we still look forward to this time of year because it means lots of corsages and boutonnieres. And that our Saturdays are going to be getting nice and busy :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
March Madness!

I’ll admit it. I’m not a big “sports” fan. But, with March Madness going on I’ve had a hard time avoiding them. So while pretending to know what I’m talking about and discussing an ongoing game, my boyfriend came up with today’s blog post concept! [He’s brilliant, I know]
For all of you that DO care about March Madness and are planning on having people over to watch some games [or are going to a friend’s house to do it- reference Saturday’s post!] we have come up with a fun little idea. Sport’s Flowers! Take this concept as you may, but our general idea is to make an arrangement using your favorite basketball team’s colors! You could also use a fun container with the team name on it or even possibly basketball shaped. The possibilities are endless!
In case you need some inspiration I’ve come up with a slightly biased example. We could make you an Ohio State arrangement, possibly using a black container, some red and white flowers, and maybe even some silver spray-painted curly willow mixed in. WA-LA! You now have a personal tribute for your favorite team!
So whether you want to surprise a special fan in your life or spice up your house décor, “sports flowers” are a great go-to!
Good luck with your brackets, readers!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
For the Up-And-Coming Socialites
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Happy Birthday Molly :)

All right my fellow bloggers. Today is a very special day in our little shop. It’s Molly’s birthday! Molly is one of our beautiful and ridiculously [almost obnoxiously J] talented floral designers at Arapahoe Floral. From the Chicago area, Molly has been working with flowers for about 10 years. [That, surprisingly, does not make her old. I promise.] She is also one of the nicest people I know. So, in honor of my dear friend and our beloved employee we are going to blog about her favorite flower… hydrangea! And to be more specific, antique hydrangea, which is our featured picture today.
Hydrangeas are beautiful and delicate pom-pom shaped flowers that come in a plethora of color. Whites, blues, purples, pinks, and even greens! They look beautiful on their own in a simple clear vase or mixed into a lovely high-end arrangement. However, hydrangeas are most prominent and very popular [rightfully so] in wedding bouquets. They hold up well, have a beautiful round shape, match exquisitely with a palate of colors, and they subtly shout class and elegance.
Hydrangeas are so darn pretty you probably don’t ever want to part with them. Well everyone, it’s your lucky day! I am including a possible solution for your emotional attachment. Hydrangea flowers are great candidates for drying. Based off of my research there are a few important guidelines. If you are picking your own blooms, make sure to do so towards the end of their season, August-October. Simply let the stem dry; hydrangeas do not need to be hung upside down. Finally, if you don’t want to keep it au ‘natural you can use silica gel which produces breathtaking colors.
Help us celebrate Miss Molly’s Birthday! Give us a call and ask about her favorite flower. We would love to get some fresh hydrangea in for you, and maybe for us too J
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Shamrocks- It's Your Lucky Day!

Our next blog for our mini St. Patrick’s Day series is about shamrock plants because St. Patty’s Day isn’t complete without one! Shamrocks are said to have been used by Saint Patrick himself to illustrate the Christian concept of the Trinity, represented by the three leaflets surrounding the one stalk. Like Bells of Ireland, shamrock plants are also symbols of good luck.
Shamrocks have three heart-shaped leaves per stalk with small white flowers. Not only are they beautiful and delicate in appearance, they are incredibly easy to take care of! Just keep these three simple guidelines in mind…
1.This houseplant loves bright, indirect light.
2. Don’t drown them; simply let the soil dry slightly before re-watering.
3. Indoor houseplant fertilizer isn’t a bad idea either.
Finally, and most importantly, they come in both green and purple so you can mix and match :)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Top O' the Mornin' to Ya!

Bells of Ireland, or Moluccella Laevis, actually have no direct relationship with with the country, except by their name! These flowers are, in fact, native to western Asia. However, we can make some indirect correlations. Bells of Ireland are a brilliant green color, often associated with Irish landscapes. Also, in the language of flowers, they suggest good luck, and we all know the common [yet entirely misinterpreted] expression: “luck of the Irish”.
Whatever the origins or meanings may be Bells of Ireland are graceful, elegant, simple, and beautiful. Their color goes perfectly with other greens, pastels, or even bold jewel colors. They add height and texture to any arrangement. So when you are decorating for the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, or setting your table for your traditional Irish stew, remember that Bells of Ireland will be the perfect addition to your home and table.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Calling All Foodies
For the blog readers that love to cook, today we are going to expand your repertoire by introducing you to edible flowers! The first and absolute most important part about cooking with flowers is to know which ones are edible and which can be poisonous. Please click the link to get a thorough list of edible flowers as well as further information about the topic:
There is a lot you need to know about cooking with flowers before you start, and in this post we are simply touching the basics. As previously mentioned, it is imperative that you are fully knowledgeable about what flowers are going to hurt you and which ones are going to make your taste buds happy. But here are a few other tips:
-Only eat flowers that are grown organically; you want to avoid digesting pesticides. Be very aware of this wherever you purchase or pick the flowers you plan to eat.
-Introduce flowers to your diet gradually; it might not be pretty if you overwhelm your stomach with something entirely foreign.
-Wash the petals, or whichever part you plan to use, thoroughly!
-Remove pistils and stamens from flowers before consuming; the standard is that you will only eat the petals.
-Once you have familiarized yourself with all of the guidelines and information, you can get to cookin’!
Here is a fairly simple recipe I found [at] to get you started:
Rose-Glazed Brie
You’ll need…
• 1 15-ounce round brie cheese, or similar cheese
• Rose petals, pesticide-free rinsed and patted dry to taste
• 1 envelope unflavored gelatin
• 1/4 cup cold water
• 2 cups dry white wine
To make…
- Remove the rind from the top of the brie cheese round, leaving a 1/2-inch border. Arrange rose petals on and around brie wheel.
-In a small bowl, soften gelatin in the 1/4 cup cold water for 5 minutes. In a saucepan set over moderate heat, combine white wine with softened gelatin and heat, stirring, until gelatin is dissolved. Transfer to a bowl and let cool, stirring. Gently brush rose petals and cheese with gelatin mixture and chill until set. Serve with crackers.
Good luck with your cooking adventures!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Somewhere Over The Rainbow... Rose?

That's right. Today we wanted to highlight the unique but ever-so-beautiful RAINBOW ROSE! If you've never seen one in real life, these flowers are exactly like what you're seeing to the right; all of the petals of the rose are a different color of the rainbow!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Spring is coming!

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Fellas, This Could Be You.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Back To The Basics
Bad Idea: putting your arrangment near a freezing cold window or right next to a heating unit
Good Idea: putting your arrangment in a warm area to keep 'em comfy, which should be nuetral to both extreme heat or cold
Bad Idea: ignoring your flowers and therefore making them cry
Good Idea: nurturing your flowers! cut the stems as much as you can. once a day is good, or even every other day works. this should instantly cease the tear flow.
Bad Idea: not changing the water. yuck.
Good Idea: changing the water every few days or whenever you notice it looking a bit scummy. keep it clean!
Bad Idea: kicking your flowers and throwing them around.
Good Idea: hugging and maybe giving a smooch or two. even flowers need a little love sometimes.
Bad Idea: starving your arrangment to death
Good Idea: feeding your little guys some tasty flower food whenver you change the water
Bad Idea: not ordering your next arrangement from us. :(
Good Idea: supporting your local flower shop and coming to us with all of your floral needs :)!!!
We are full of good ideas here at Arapahoe Floral, so if you ever have any questions on how to care for your flowers, or even a plant, just give us a call!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Shopping Smart :)
As a fellow frugal friend, I am sure you've often questioned a flower purchase or two. But do not worry! Don't let prices scare you away from telling someone you love them or wishing them a Happy Birthday! Arapahoe Floral has, yet again, come to your rescue. We have the uncanny ability to work with any budget. And we really mean it- any! You can come in and get a single flower stem starting $2.50. We can make a nice wrap for you at any price. We can do vase arrangements. Heck, we even do wedding budgets! So tell us your ideal estimate of expenses, and we will be more than happy to accommodate!
Another super saver tip... Pick up your arrangement; you'll save on your delivery! (But do not feel obligated. We thoroughly love sending them directly to you!)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Valentine's Day Is Quickly Approaching!

Alright folks, I don't want you all to take this the wrong way because we here at Arapahoe Floral love the classics, tradition, and especially roses, but why not mix it up this Valentine's Day?!?
Show your sweetie you can be unique, spontaneous, and extra thoughtful by thinking outside of the box this year! Instead of the same ol' one dozen red roses try a bouquet of tulips! Or maybe a big colorful spring mix that is sure to make anyone smile.
You can try going a step further, even, and get them a plant. It's perfect for their desk at work, and is a constant reminder of how loving and wonderful you are!
And the ultimate gift for this year in our collective opinion here at Arapahoe Floral... Orchids!! They are a gorgeous, unique, and a long lasting way of saying "Hey babe, ya know I love ya. Didn't I do swell this year?!"
So give us a call and we will work with you to customize your order and make this Valentine's Day one that will really stand out!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
It's A New Year!
Here at Arapahoe Floral we have been working on our New Year resolutions, so we figured there might be a few of you out there doing the same. You've got your standard "get in shape", "kick the bad habits", "be more responsible with money", etc... But we got to thinking about how we could help YOU make this year the best one yet! What better way to start fresh with your friends, family, coworkers, and significant others than by working on random acts of kindness?! "Just Because" flowers are an incredible way to make someones day, prove your spontanaeity, and solidify that resolution to be a better friend, parent, child, and partner.
Luckily, these gestures don't have to be a strain on your wallet (refer to resolution #3)! Give us a call and we can work with any budget to make a lovely arrangement or even a nice wrap to put in your own vase at home. And if you pick it up you can save on that delivery fee!
Two birds with one stone :)
Here's to a happy and healthy New Year!